FT8Call? – Now JS8 – an approach beyond FT8

Update….. After posting this overseas, I return home to find out there has been a small update….

“FT8Call is gone and it’s now JS8Call. From 0.7 and onward, FT8Call will be called JS8Call and the FT8Call mode will become JS8 (Jordan Sherer-designed 8-FSK). Over the weekend, October 7, 2018, the new JS8Call software was born. I have downloaded and installed the new JS8Call and the software looks good.” Read on for a little more about why the change and where to download via a link at K0PIR’s site at:

New Mode FT8Call Hitting the Ham Bands

So, no doubt the following social media and groups pages may change.

FT8Call banner montage

Didn’t FT8 take the amateur world by storm and we still seem to have a lot of users working away on the mode. But recently, news has been heard that there is a new guy in town – FT*Call.

This is a quick article derived from some emails sent in from found by Simon VK3ZSL and Bruce VK2RT on the ft8call application that is still being developed but has people talking. Thanks guys for sharing…


There is a Groups.io forum


Some helpful documents here from KN4CRD

Also a couple of YouTube Videos

A couple of YouTube videos

Video 1   HamRadioConcepts

Video 2   OH8STN

Video 3   Ham Radio with K0PIR