EMDRC – Club Rooms
Our clubrooms are located in the leafy eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Just off the Burwood Highway adjacent to a local park, we enjoy plenty of parking and easy access to public transport via the number 75 Vermont South tram.
Club meetings are typically held on the first Friday in the month at our rooms with a special guest speaker or presentation. Most Club meetings are broadcast via Zoom and often the guest speaker will Zoom from interstate or overseas. Online meetings are often recorded and available to members on our club YouTube channel.
How to get to the Club Room
The EMDRC club room is located at, 13A McCubbin St Burwood. Entry to the hall is via the driveway from McCubbin St. Look for the Green Letter Box, the drive is next to it. There is parking available both in front and around the Club rooms.
EMDRC Postal Address
PO Box 8040, Burwood Heights. Victoria 3151