Club Library

Librarian: Drew VK3XU, Ph 03 9722 1620.

Study Guides
Radio Handbooks
Antennas, Transmission Lines and Propagation
VHF, UHF and Microwave
Service/instruction Manuals
Test Equipment and Fault-finding
Computers & Software
Radio/electronics Projects
Radio Receivers
Radio & Electrical Principles
Bound Journals

The EMDRC Inc Library operates from the Burwood Club rooms during the “Coffee Shop” meetings (i.e. a bit earlier than the regular 8 p.m. start on the third Friday of the month). Loans are for one month, and must be returned at the next Coffee Shop meeting.

You can help make the library a practical asset to the Club. Donations from members of topical radio and radio-related books in good condition will be gratefully received.

Amateur Radio Magazine; Photocopies may be obtained of articles from any back-issue of AR from 1948- See Librarian (members only please). Also-

“QST Magazine; Photocopies may be had of articles from QST; the collection is far from complete, but there is a pretty good number of QST’s going back to 1925.”

*Missing- please check to see if you have this item, and return A.S.A.P. please.

006 Amateur Operator’s Handbook 1978 Post & Telecoms
018 Amateur Radio Textbook 1981 Vol 1 Rider/Preston Tech.
019 Amateur Radio Textbook 1981 Vol 2 Rider/Preston Tech.
020 Amateur Radio Textbook 1981 Vol 3 Rider/Preston Tech.
064 Fundamentals of Electricity & Electronics Lackey/HoltRinehar
079 AM Radio Theory Course Schwarz/Ameco
089 Amateur Radio Super Hobby Luciani/McGraw Hill
090 Complete Guide to Amateur Radio DuBovy/Parker
094 Amateur Operator’s Handbook 1978 P & T Dept.
104 Foundations for Electronics Doyle/Rinehart
107 Basic Electronics Peter Phillips/E.A.
118 The Radio Amateur’s License Manual 1979 Clift/ARRL
179 Amateur Radio Study Course Graeme Scott VK2KE
359 Amateur Radio Study Course 1997 G. Scott
211 The Novice Operator’s Theory Handbook 1981 Graeme Scott
331 The Novice Operator’s Theory Handbook W.I.A.
360 The Novice Operator’s Theory Handbook 1996 G. Scott
227 The Novice Operators Theory Handbook 1981 Graeme Scott
330 Study Guide for Novice Operator’s Certificate 1987 W.I.A.
225 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates 1994 W.I.A.
341 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates 1994 W.I.A.
417 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates 1978 W.I.A.
342 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates 1979 W.I.A.
209 1000 Questions For Novice Candidates 1994 W.I.A.
103 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates W.I.A.
299 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates 1994 W.I.A.
328 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates 1987 W.I.A.
426 1000 Questions for Novice Candidates W.I.A.
231 1000 Questions for Novice Licence Candidates 1978 W.I.A.
228 Radio Theory Handbook for Amateur Operators 2nd Ed. F. SwainstonPrentice
334 Radio Theory Handbook for Amateur Operators 1991 F. Swainson/Prentice
345 Radio Theory Handbook for Amateur Operators 1991 F. Swainson/Prentice
363 Radio Therory Handbook for Amateur Operators 1991 F. Swainson/Prentice
229 The Elementary/Intermediate Radio Course 1978 Davis & Whyte
230 The Amateur Radio Licence Novice Study Guide 1978 Roger Davis
123 Novice Electronics 1990 W.I.A. NSW
283 Novice Electronics W.I.A.
210 Novice Electronics 1990 W.I.A.
344 Novice Electronics 1990 W.I.A.
284 Novice Electronics W.I.A.
326 Novice Electronics 1987 W.I.A.
285 Into Electronics W.IA.
121 Into Electronics W.I.A. NSW
122 Into Electronics W.I.A. NSW
343 Into Electronics 1981 W.I.A.
327 Into Electronics 1981 W.I.A.
254 A Guide to Amateur Radio Hawker/RSGB
419 A Guide to Amateur Radio 16th ed. 1975 R.S.G.B.
288 The Ham Exam Cram Book Westlakes R.C.
325 The Ham Exam Cram Book 1980 Botha & Howard
364 The Ham Exam Cram Book 1980 Botha & Howard
425 The Ham Exam Cram Book 1975 Botha and Howard
457 The Ham Exam Cram Book Westlakes A.R.C.
289 Manual of Questions and Answers for the Novice Licence Westlakes R.C.
291 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
109 500 Questions for AOCP Candidates (1st Ed.) 1979 W.I.A. NSW
226 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
282 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
292 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
293 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
294 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
295 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
296 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
297 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
340 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
201 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
212 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
456 500 Questions for A.O.C.P. Candidates W.I.A.
300 Learning Morse Code Cassette #1 W.I.A.
301 Learning Morse Code Cassette #2 W.I.A.
302 Learning Morse Code Cassette #1 W.I.A.
303 Learning Morse Code Cassette #2 W.I.A.
304 Learning Morse Code Cassette #3 W.I.A.
319 Learning Morse Code 1979 Rex Black/W.I.A.
025 Amateur Radio and Electronics Study Guide I. Ridpath
321 The Morse Code for Amateurs 1961 M.Mills/RSGB
322 AOCP Upgrade R.Bertram/ARA
335 W1FB’s Help for New Hams 1989 D. DeMaw/ARRL
358 Radio Amateur Licence Study Guide 1998 G. Scott
365 Understanding Amateur Radio 1971 Grammar/ARRL
411 Understanding Amateur Radio 1977 ARRL
366 First Steps in Radio 1985 DeMaw/ARRL
418 The Radio Amateur’s Examination Manual 1975 R.S.G.B.
421 Math for the Electronics Student 1978 Andrews/Radio Sha
427 The Elementary and Intermediate Radio Course 1978 Davis & Whyte
429 Manual of Questions and Answers for the Novice Licence Keith Howard
430 Your Introduction to Morse Code (Tapes and 3-1/2″ FD) ARRL
431 The Amateur Radio Licence Novice Study Guide Roger Davis
458 Basic Radio Training Manual N.Z.A.R.T.
459 Novice Radio Guide 1974 Ham Radio

013 Handbook for Radio Operators 1976 U.K. Post Office
091 Radiotron Designer’s Handbook 1941 (3rd Ed.) AWV
057 Radiotron Designer’s Handbook (1944, 3rd Ed.) AWV
004 Radiotron Designer’s Handbook (4th Ed. 1953) F. Langford-Smith
140 Radio Handbook 1959 (15th Ed.) W. Orr/Editors & Eng
080 Radio Handbook 1962 (16th Ed.) Orr/Editors & Eng
415 Radio Handbook 21st Ed. Orr/Editors &
031 Radio Handbook 1981 (22nd Ed.) Wm Orr/Sams
081 New Sideband Handbook 1959 Stoner
108 Secrets of RF Design (2nd Ed.) J. Carr/McGraw H
145 Amateur Radio Techniques 6th Ed. Hawker/RSGB
162 The ARRL Handbook 1969 ARRL
137 The Radio Amateur’s Handbook 1972 ARRL
138 The Radio Amateur’s Handbook 1975 ARRL
416 The Radio Amateur’s Handbook 1976 ARRL
139 The Radio Amateur’s Handbook 1978 ARRL
163 The ARRL Handbook 1977 ARRL
125 ARRL Handbook 1982 ARRL
185 The Radio Amateur’s Handbook 1983 ARRL
251 The Radio Amateur’s Handbook 1984 ARRL
028 ARRL Handbook 1985 ARRL
082 ARRL Handbook 1985 * ARRL
252 The ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 1986 ARRL
213 ARRL Handbook 1989 ARRL
001 ARRL Handbook, 1990 ARRL
390 The ARRL Handbook 1993 ARRL
338 The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs 1995 ARRL
105 ARRL Handbook 2000 Ed. ARRL
101 ARRL Handbook 2002 Ed. ARRL
472 ARRL Handbook, 2004 ARRL
216 The Amateur Radio Handbook 3rd Ed. 1961 RSGB
030 Radio Communication Handbook 1971 (4th Ed.) * RSGB
035 The Radio Communication Handbook 4th Ed RSGB
214 RESERVED for Vol. 1 of…
215 Radio Communication Handbook Vol 2, 5th Ed. RSGB
391 Radio Communication Handbook 5th Edition (Vols 1&2) RSGB
177 Stereo FM Radio Handbook Harvey/Norman
176 Single-sideband for the Radio Amateur 1965 ARRL
357 Single-sideband for the Radio Amateur 1970 ARRL
253 RSGB Radio Data Reference Book 5th Ed 1985 Hewes/Jessop
382 Radio Projects for the Amateur (Vol 1) Diamond, VK3XU
141 Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 2 2001 Diamond, VK3XU
217 Practical Radio Communication Nilson & Hornung
093 Surplus Radio Conversion Manual Vol 1 1960 (3rd Ed.) CQ
167 Motorola RF Data Manual Motorola
174 The Mobile Manual for Radio Amateurs 1968 ARRL
356 Surplus Conversion Handbook Kneitel/CQ
387 Radio/Tech Modifications Number 5A 1992 Artsci
388 Radio/Tech Modifications Number 5B 1992 Artsci
389 Radio Buyer’s Sourcebook 1991 ARRL

014 Beam Antenna Handbook 1976 (5th Ed.) Orr and Cowan
061 Antenna Impedance Matching 1989 Caron/ARRL
073 Practical Wire Antennas 1991 J. Heys/RSGB
074 Novice Antenna Notebook 1988 DeMaw/ARRL
100 The ARRL Antenna Book 1944 ARRL
151 The ARRL Antenna Handbook 5th Ed. 1949 ARRL
005 ARRL Antenna Handbook (13th Ed. 1977) * ARRL
065 ARRL Antenna Book 1977 (13thEd.) * ARRL
142 ARRL Antenna Book 14th Ed. 1984 ARRL
368 The ARRL Antenna Book 15th edition ARRL
369 The ARRL Antenna Book 16th edition ARRL
106 ARRL Antenna Book 18th Ed. (with CD) ARRL
152 ARRL Antenna Book 19th Ed. (with CD) ARRL
148 Ham and CB Antenna Dimension Charts E. Noll/Editors & E
149 Impedance Matching A. Schure/Rider
150 Antenna Handbook K. Glanzer/Cowan
146 The Practical Aerial Handbook 1967 G. King/Odhams
194 Handbook of Solar Flares 1978 Chernan/Tab
374 Antenna Handbook ARA
207 Antenna Book 3 ARA
208 Antenna Book 4 ARA
376 Antenna Handbook 5 ARA
249 ARRL Antenna Anthology ARRL
236 Beam Antenna Handbook 1983 Orr & Cohen/Radio
237 The Truth About CB Antennas 1971 Orr & Cohen/Radio
238 The Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook 1978 Orr & Cohen/Radio
286 The Quad Antenna 1993 Haviland, W4MB
002 ARRL VHF Manual (3rd Edition) * ARRL
033 VHF/UHF Manual 1981 (3rd Ed.) * Jessop/RSGB
143 The Satellite Experimenter’s Handbook 1985 ARRL
144 The Satellite Experementer’s Handbook 2nd Ed. 1990 Davidoff/ARRL
160 FM Bugs Talking Elec
175 FM and Repeaters for the Radio Amateur 1972 ARRL
178 Frequency Modulation Engineering 1947 Tibbs/Chapman
183 Getting to Know Oscar 1977 ARRL
187 Weather Satellite Handbook 1976 Taggart/73
188 The New Weather Satellite Handbook 1981 Taggart/73
380 Weather Satellite Handbook 4th ed. 1990 Taggart/ARRL
189 Satellite Tracking Software for the Radio Amateur 1982 AMSAT-UK
200 Bugging- and its Prevention 1988 Talking Elec
247 ARRL Satellite Anthology 1988 ARRL
248 FM & Repeaters 1978 ARRL
317 Parametric Amplifiers 1964 J. Fisk/73
190 NBFM Manual 1974 RSGB
290 Technical Manual for AWA RT-85A carphone AWA
378 All About VHF Amateur Radio Orr/Radio Pubs
379 The Radio Amateur’s VHF Manual 1972 Tilton/ARRL
471 DVD Video; E.M.E. Talk; Doug McArthur E.M.D.R.C./VK3UM
477 The ARRL UHF/Mircowave Experimenter’s Manual ARRL
478 VHF/UHF Handbook 2002 Biddulph/RSGB

432 Manual; Kenwood Antenna Tuner model AT-200 Kenwood
433 Instruction Manual; Kenwood 2 m TX/RX model TR-9000 Kenwood
434 Service Manual; Kenwood HF TX/TX model TS-120S Kenwood
443 Manual for Frequency Meter AN/URM-32 U.S.A.F.
444 Manual for transmit/receive set; Type 3, Mk 2
445 Manual for Frequency Meter AN/URM-79-82 U.S.A.F.
290 Technical Manual for AWA RT-85A carphone AWA

003 Introductory Circuit Analysis (5th Edition) Boylestad
010 Linear Circuits Data Book 1989 Vol 1 Texas Instruments
011 Linear Circuits Data Book 1989 Vol 2 Texas Instruments
012 Linear Circuits Data Book 1989 Vol 3 Texas Instruments
016 Engineer’s Mini Notebook (555 ccts) 1989 Archer
017 Engineer’s Mini Notebook (Basic semi ccts) 1989 Archer
027 Electronics for Model Railways Book 2 K. Stone (T. E.)
032 Electronic Devices Textbook 1984 Floyd Merrill
054 100 Electronic Circuits Vol. 4 (1966) Aronson & Morrison
062 Operational Amplifiers (1971) BurrBrown/McG-
111 Applied Electronics 1946 M.I.T./J.Wiley
120 Basic Electronics U.S. Navy
298 Basic Electronics Ciroviv/Reston
422 Basic Electronics 3rd Ed. Grob/McGrawHill
107 Basic Electronics Peter Phillips/E.A.
124 Circuit Analysis Kraus/West Publis
126 Information Display Concepts 1969 Tektronix
131 Electronics Notebook #1 Mitchell/Talking Elec
132 Electronics Notebook #2 Mitchell/Talking Elec
133 Electronics Notebook #3 Mitchell/Talking Elec
134 Electronics Notebook #4 Mitchell/Talking Elec
135 Electronics Notebook #5 Mitchell/Talking Elec
136 Electronics Notebook #6 Mitchell/Talking Elec
164 IC Op-amp Cook-book 2nd Ed. 1981 W. Jung/Sams
170 Optoelectronics Guidebook R. Fox/Tab
172 TTL Cookbook 1978 Lancaster/Sams
196 Electronics Projects for your Car 1985 Elec Aus
197 ETI Circuit Techniques Vol 2 1982 ETI
198 ETI Circuits No. 2 1978 ETI
199 Security Devices 1989 Talking Elec
218 Basic Electronics Part 1 1962 Van Valkenburgh
219 Basic Electronics Part 2 1962 Van Valkenburgh
220 Basic Electronics Part 3 1962 Van Valkenburgh
221 Basic Electronics Part 4 1962 Van Valkenburgh
222 Basic Electronics Part 5 1962 Van Valkenburgh
223 Basic Electronics Part 6 1962 Van Valkenburgh
246 ARRL Electronics Data Book 1976 ARRL
276 OP Amps Explained B. Maher/E.A.
255 Electronic Circuits Manual 1971 Markus/McGraw
318 Linear Circuit Theory 1972 Taylor/Wiley
047 Miniwatt Electronics Handbook 1960 (1st Ed.) Philips
070 Linear Applications Data Book 1973 Vol 1 National Semicon
076 Linear Applications Data Book National Semicon
423 Linear Applications Handbook 2 1976 National Semicon
066 Digital Integrated Circuits Data Book National Semicon
067 CMOS Integrated Circuits Data Book National Semicon
068 MOS Integrated Circuits Data Book National Semicon
071 Linear Data Book (Radio Shack) 1976 National Semicon
037 CMOS Integrated Circuits Data Book 1983 RCA
161 HS-CMOS I.C. Databook Talking Elec
165 Design of Phase-locked Loop Circuits H. Berlin/Sams
206 CMOS Integrated Circuits National
266 The Giant Handbook of Electronic Circuits 1980 R. Collins/TAB
113 The Versatile Op Amp 1970 Kahn/Holt, Rinehart
315 Computer Circuits and How They Work 1970 B. Wels/TAB
351 Linear and Interface Circuits Applications Texas Inst
346 ETI Circuits No 1 E.T.I.
347 ETI Circuits No 3 E.T.I.
348 Electronics Australia Projects and Circuits E.A.
349 Simple Projects from Electronics Today 1975 E.T.I.
350 Electronics Today’s Circuits Cookbook # 5 E.T.I.
440 Electronics- it’s easy, Vol 1 E.T.I.
441 Electronics- it’s easy, Vol 2 E.T.I.
442 Electronics- it’s easy, Vol 3 E.T.I.
476 Experimental Methods in RF design (with CD) ARRL
479 Radio & Electronics Cookbook Brown/RSGB

157 Semiconductor Reference Guide 1988 Archer
158 Transistor Specifications Manual D.S.E.
182 Solid-state Design Hayward/ARRL
167 Motorola RF Data Manual Motorola
413 RF Data Manual 1978 Motorola
414 Motorola RF Data Manual 1981 Motorola
205 SCR Manual 4th Ed. G.E.
268 Basic Transistor Course 2nd Ed. 1984 S. Gibilisco/TAB
281 National Transistors, Small-signal, FET, Power National
155 Reference Manual of Transistor Circuits 1960 Mullard
352 World’s Transistors, Diodes, Thyristors… Vol 1 1992 Tech Pubs
353 World’s Transistors, Diodes, Thyristors… Vol 2 1992 Tech Pubs
355 Understanding Solid-State Electronics 1978 Texas Inst
428 Understanding Solid State Electronics 3rd Ed 1978 Radio Shack
411 Understanding Amateur Radio 1977 ARRL
462 Transistor Pocket Book 1971 Hibberd/Newnes
463 Integrated Electronics 1972 Millman & Halkais
464 Audio Amplifiers for the home constructor Ian Sinclair/fountain
474 RF Circuit Design Bowick/Newnes
476 Experimental Methods in RF design (with CD) ARRL

182 Solid-State Design Hayward/ARRL
181 QRP Classics 1990 ARRL
184 Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur 1978 ARRL
384 Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur 1989 ARRL
382 Radio Projects for the Amateur (Vol 1) Diamond, VK3XU
141 Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 2 2001 Diamond, VK3XU
481 Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 3 2004 Diamond, VK3XU
083 Weekend Projects Vol 1 ARRL
186 QRP Notebook 1986 DeMaw/ARRL
335 W1FB’s Help for New Hams 1989 D. DeMaw/ARRL
366 First Steps in Radio 1985 DeMaw/ARRL
411 Understanding Amateur Radio 1977 ARRL
459 Novice Radio Guide 1974 Ham Radio

022 Cathode Ray Traces H. Moss – E.E. Lond.
041 Heathkit VTVM Assembly Instructions Heathkit
060 Basic Electronic Test Instruments Turner/Rinehart
095 Servicing Transitorized Radios AWV
096 Owner’s Manual DSE Frequency Counter model 3600A DSE
130 Circuit Concepts- TV Waveform Processing Circuits Tektronix
147 Oscilloscope Techniques A. Haas/Gernsback
127 Measurement Concepts- Semiconductors 1969 Tektronix
128 Circuit Concepts- Power Supplies 1969 Tekrtonix
195 Test Gear- Metering and Power Supply Projects 1977 Elec Today
250 Test Equipment for the Radio Amateur 2nd Ed 1978 H. Gibson/RSGB
256 Oscilloscope Applications & Experiments 1979 E. Noll/Sams
257 Oscilloscopes- How to Use Them 2nd Ed. 1986 Hickman/Newnes
267 Vectorscopes, Oscilloscopes & Sweep/Marker Generators S Prentiss/TAB
262 Practical Repair and Maintenance of Comms Equipment A. Helfrick/PrenticeH
260 TV Fault Finding 405/625 lines 1974 J. Davies/Data
245 Electronic Fault Diagnosis 1980 G. Loveday
311 Video; Oscilloscopes VK3FJB

260 TV Fault Finding 405/625 lines 1974 J. Davies/Data
314 Slow Scan Television Handbook 1973 Miller & Taggart/73
097 Television Interference Handbook (3rd Ed.) Remington Rand
204 TV Typewriter Cookbook Lancaster/Sam
063 Basic Television 1954 (2nd Ed.) Grob/McGraw-H
180 Video Electronics Technology 1983 Ingram/Tab

015 Interference Handbook 1981 (1st Ed.) Nelson
354 Interference Handbook 1988 Nelson/Radio Pubs
042 Interference Suppression Technical Instruction Manual Bosch
043 Interference Suppression Technical Instruction Manual Bosch
097 Television Interference Handbook (3rd Ed.) Remington Rand
202 Radio Anti-interference Manual 1948 Bradley/Bernard
119 Radio Frequency Interference 1978 ARRL
324 Radio Frequency Interference Handbook 1986 Dept. of Comms
381 Radio Frequency Interference 1991 Hare-Schetgen/ARRL

021 PAKET- a Comms Prog. for Packet Radio Lonsdale VK2DHU
024 Protel Autotrax Reference Manual (loose notes) *
086 Practical Visual Basic 6 QUE
102 PK232 Operating Manual
116 Computer Graphics 1986 Hearn /Prentice-Hall
058 Amateur Radio Software 1985 Morris/RSGB
154 Software for Amateur Radio J. Kasser/Tab
168 Computer Programs for Amateur Radio Overbeck/Hayden
192 Digital Control of Repeaters 1973 Yacom/73
193 Your Gateway to Packet Radio 2nd Ed. 1989 Horzepa/ARRL
337 Netscape and the WWW for Dummies 2nd Ed. P. Hoffman/IDG
315 Computer Circuits and How They Work 1970 B. Wels/TAB
383 IBM PC Troubleshooting & Repair Guide 1985 Brenner/Sams
447 PostScript Language Reference Manual 2nd Ed Adobe
448 Internet Starter Kit for Windows Engst, Low, Simon
449 Introduction to Networking 2nd Ed (with disc) Nance/QUE
450 Hand-on PostScript (with disc) Spring, Dubin
452 C Progttramming for Unix Valley et al
453 Using Unix QUE
454 Unix in a Nutshell Berkeley

084 103 Simple Transistor Projects T. Kneitel
023 Linear Amplifiers (collection of loose notes) Various
048 Using Ex-Services Radio Apparatus D. W. Thomasson
110 Printed Circuit Handbook (2nd Ed.) Coombs/McGraw H
153 Lab Notes & Data E.T.I.
159 TE Cover Projects Talking Elec
169 Build-it Book of Photoelectronic Projects C Adams/Tab
382 Radio Projects for the Amateur (Vol 1) Diamond, VK3XU
141 Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 2 2001 Diamond, VK3XU
481 Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 3 2004 Diamond VK3XU
241 How to Design and Make Your Own PCB’s R. Penfold/Babini
239 Big Dummy’s Guide to CB Radio A. Houston et al
240 The Boy’s Book of Crystal Sets W. May/Bernards
258 RESERVED for Vol 1 of…
259 Ham Notebook Vol 2 1975 J. Fisk/Hamradio
269 RESERVED for Vol 1 of…
270 Top Projects from E.T.I. Vol 2 E.T.I.
435 Top Projects from E.T.I. E.T.I.
436 Project Electronics 4th Ed. E.T.I.
271 RESERVED for Vol 3 of…
272 RESERVED for Vol 4 of…
273 RESERVED for Vol 5 of…
274 RESERVED for Vol 6 of…
275 Top Projects from E.T.I. Vol 7 E.T.I.
437 Top Projects Vol. 9 E.T.I.
277 High Fidelity Designs 1977 Wireless World
233 Coil Design and Construction Manual 1987 B. B. Babini
278 National Audio Handbook National Semicon
279 Electronics Projects for Cars 1983 E.T.I.
323 Practical Ideas for Radio Amateurs 1988 I.Poole/ARGUS
335 W1FB’s Help for New Hams 1989 D. DeMaw/ARRL
313 Advanced Radio Control 1975 E. Safford/TAB
346 ETI Circuits No 1 E.T.I.
347 ETI Circuits No 3 E.T.I.
348 Electronics Australia Projects and Circuits E.A.
349 Simple Projects from Electronics Today 1975 E.T.I.
350 Electronics Today’s Circuits Cookbook # 5 E.T.I.
384 Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur 1989 ARRL
385 Ferromagnetic Core Design & Application Handbook DeMaw/Prentice H
411 Understanding Amateur Radio 1977 ARRL
419 A Guide to Amateur Radio 16th ed. 1975 R.S.G.B.
461 Amateur Radio Techniques 1965 Hawker/RSGB
459 Novice Radio Guide 1974 Ham Radio
464 Audio Amplifiers for the home constructor Ian Sinclair/fountain
465 Audio Amplifier Systems 1971 Hull/Philips
476 Experimental Methods in RF design (with CD) ARRL
479 Radio & Electronics Cookbook Brown/RSGB

240 The Boy’s Book of Crystal Sets W. May/Bernards
055 Transistor Radios – Circuitry & Servicing (1962) Mullard
085 Passport to World Band Radio 1992 IBS
233 Coil Design and Construction Manual 1987 B. B. Babini
234 Radio Receivers 1970 Barkan & Zhdanov
242 RESERVED for Vol 1 of….
243 Radio Systems for Technicians Vol. 2 Danielson & Walker
244 Radio Systems for Technicians Vol. 3 Danielson & Walker
263 RESERVED for Part 1 of…
264 Radio Receiver Design Part 2 1954 K. Sturley/Chapman
308 Video; Home-brew HF Receiver Diamond, VK3XU
313 Advanced Radio Control 1975 E. Safford/TAB
386 Passport to World Band Radio 1989 IBS

059 Electrical Technology 1957 (7th Ed.) Cotton/Pitman
112 Alternating Current Theory 1960 Patchett/Norman P
114 Electricity, Electronics and Electromagnetics (2nd Ed.) Boylestat/Prentice H
129 Telephony and Telegraphy A 2nd Ed. 1974 Smith/Ox Uni Press
156 Electronic Communication Systems 2nd Ed. Kennedy/McGraw
088 Telecommunications (SI Unit Ed.) Fraser/Macdonald
203 Penguin Dictionary of Telecommunications Penguin
224 Electrical Principles for the Electrical Trades 1980 Jenneson/McGra
261 Electrical Technology (Australian 1973 Ed.) T. Baitch/Wiley
191 Understanding Communications Systems Cannon
316 A Dictionary of Electronics 3rd Ed. Penguin
320 Electronics Math 1986 J. Phagen/TAB
421 Math for the Electronics Student 1978 Andrews/Radio Sha
332 Electronic Communication 1979 L Temes/McGraw-H
173 Specialized Communications Techniques 1975 ARRL
385 Ferromagnetic Core Design & Application Handbook DeMaw/Prentice H
410 Introduction to Electric Circuits 5th Ed. Jackson/Prentice
438 Basic Electricity Series; AC Circuits Vol I Radio Shack/TI
439 Basic Electricity Series; AC Circuits Vol II Radio Shack/TI
460 Basic Electricity N.Y.I.T.
474 RF Circuit Design Bowick/Newnes

045 List of Preferred Vacuum Tubes * Philips
046 Miniwatt Technical Data Book 1962 (7th Ed.) Philips
412 Miniwatt Technical Data 1966 Philips
049 World Radio Valve Handbook (Receiving Tubes)
050 Air-cooled Transmitting Tubes (1938) RCA
051 Transmitting Tubes (1956) RCA
469 RCA Transmitting Tubes (1962) RCA
052 Receiving Tube Manual (1947) RCA
171 Care and Feeding of Power Grid Tubes 1967 Varian/Eimac
455 Popular Valve/Transistor Substition Guide 1971 Foulsham/Tab

232 Halcyon Days 1987 A. Shawsmith W.I.A.
280 The Invention that Changed the World- Story of Radar Robt. Bueri
056 The WIA Book Vol. 1 * W.I.A.
044 VK3BNW 10 m Net Log Book 1988 – 1996 * Bruce VK3SO
075 WIA 1985/86 Australian Callbook W.I.A.
339 Video; VI3JPI – I.O.T.A. Expedition 2002 P.Forbes et al
446 The Victorian APRS Symposium E.M.D.R.C.
466 Video; WIA Restructure- M. Owen Ap 2004 E.M.D.R.C.
467 Video; WIA Restructure- M. Owen Ap 2004 E.M.D.R.C.
468 200 Meters and Down – story of amateur radio (USA) DeSoto/ARRL
470 CD Collection- various EMDRC activities E.M.D.R.C.

039 Flex Drive Agencies Product Catalogue FlexDrive
040 Frequency List (loose papers)
078 Technical Guide to Australian CB Radio 1974 T. Floyd
099 Human Engineering Guide for Equipment Designers 1956 Woodson/UCLA
166 Technical Drawing 1968 EdVic
307 Video; Submarine Communications Don Parsons exRAN
310 Video; Repeatable Position Devices for Opt. Microscopes KrochmalVK3KRO
312 Video; Talk to Astronaut on I.S.S.
361 Video; 1: VI3JPI Sep. 2002, 2: VI5WCP Apr. 2003 E.M.D.R.C.
362 Video; 1 VI3JPI Sep. 2002 E.M.D.R.C.
424 Video; System Changes in a modern Motor Car Sep 2003 Bob Tait, VK3UI
471 DVD Video; E.M.E. Talk; Doug McArthur E.M.D.R.C./VK3UM

392 QST, bound, year 1927 ARRL
393 QST, bound, year 1928 ARRL
394 QST, bound, year 1929 ARRL
395 QST, bound, year 1930 ARRL
396 QST, bound, year 1931 ARRL
397 QST, bound, year 1932 ARRL
398 QST, bound, year 1933 ARRL
399 QST, bound, year 1934 ARRL
400 QST, bound, year 1935 ARRL
401 QST, bound, year 1936 ARRL
402 Vacant
403 QST, bound, year 1938 ARRL
404 QST, bound, year 1939 ARRL
405 QST, bound, year 1940 ARRL
406 QST, bound, year 1941 ARRL
407 QST, bound, year 1942 ARRL
408 Vacant
409 QST, bound, year 1944 ARRL