Following the successful release of both the 6 meter and 9 meter PortaMasts there has been a number of requests regarding the updating and production of a few key items associated with the project.
Firstly, we have updated the locking pin to a totally new design. The pin is all one piece so there is no more possibility of losing the lock clip or breaking the wire. All stock of both masts will now be supplied with the new locking pins.
Secondly, the mast guy plates have now been sourced from a laser cutter supplier. All plates are identical as well as perfectly matching – both the 40mm and 44mm tubes. No more sticking guy plates. They are now made out of 3 mm aluminum plate for extra strength and also because of the production runs are now cheaper to purchase. All new masts are now supplied with 1 each of the new guy plates.
We no longer supply the PortaMast Base Unit. A plan for a base unit will be provided shortly.
Damian VK3KQ