Foundation Training Course – 3/4 November 2018

Would like to get involved in the hobby of Amateur Radio?  Then the Foundation Licence is the perfect way to make a start in the hobby.
If you are free on Saturday the 3rd of November, then consider being part of the next Foundation Course run by the Melbourne’s Eastern And Mountain District Radio Club.

The course will be run on Saturday the 3rd of November, with the assessments taking place on the morning of Sunday the 4th of November.

The course will be held at the EMDRC Clubrooms which are located at 13a McCubbin Street Burwood. For those not familiar with the area, it’s location is very close to the RSPCA on Burwood Highway, ideal if you plan on coming by public transport. If you are coming by car, there is plenty of parking available onsite. To arrive at the clubrooms, simply drive west down McCubbin street and look for the lane way on your left hand side, you will find the clubrooms at the bottom of the lane way.

This course is free to club members. EMDRC club membership is $35, we would encourage you to become a member, doing so you will receive all the benefits of club membership as well as being able to doing the training courses for free. EMDRC Membership On-Line Application Form. If you choose not to become a club member, that is OK, there is no pressure, a simple $35 per head will cover costs.

The training program will be run as follows…

Saturday the 3rd of November

On the Saturday (the training course day) plan for an 8:30am arrival as we will start the course at 9:00am Morning and afternoon tea and coffee, biscuits are included and we will be finished the training day by 5:00pm.
Lunch will be cold meat and salad rolls purchased from the Woolworths supermarket over the road. If you would prefer to bring you own lunch, then that is ok, just let me know.
You will need to bring with you a copy of the foundation manual, WIA Online Sales, alternately we can sell you one on the day, we have copies for sale at the radio club, perhaps let us know in advance so we can make sure we have sufficient stock.

Sunday the 4th Of November

On the Sunday morning (assessment day) again plan a 8:30 arrival for a 9:00am start, morning tea and coffee will be provided and on assessment day we will aim to be finished by mid day.
You will need to bring a drivers licence or passport or some other form of identification plus a passport size photograph. It’s most important that you remember to bring a passport size photograph, the required size is 35mm by 45mm in size, full colour, head and shoulders. Many Chemists and Australia Post stores have facilities for taking passport photos, please make sure you have this with you on Saturday morning.

Depending on your age the Foundation Assessment pack will be $70 (adult) or $35 if you are under the age of 18 years.
The callsign allocation fee is $5 for next available callsign or The callsign allocation fee is $20.00 for a callsign of your choice.
The Foundation Licence is issued by ACMA and currently costs $78 for an initial licence and a renewal fee of $53 per annum after that. (The ACMA usually revises its fees each year on June 30).

So if you add all that up that is the total fee for the assessment and licence, a cheque for all the above can be made out to the Wireless Institute Of Australia who manage the assessment process and submission of licence applications to the ACMA.

That covers most of the detail.
For each course participant we will need your home address details and contact phone number (mobile if possible) If you have any questions, please email at

Could you please confirm with me by sending an email to if you plan to attend the course.

Kind regards
Damian VK3KQ