Foundation Study Documents

To study for the Foundation Licence you should have a copy of the following documents:

Foundation Licence Syllabus

Foundation Licence Conditions Determination (LCD)

The Foundation Licence Manual (Third Edition)

Assessments are conducted by independent assessors that have been approved by the ACMA

Once you have you Foundation licence, this digital publication may be of interest.

Welcome to Amateur Radio – A Guide for Newcomers

Welcome to Amateur Radio guidebook provides an introduction to our hobby for newly licenced Foundation class amateurs. The book is published digitally. It contains many hotlinks to external websites with useful information. It is available as an Acrobat pdf file suitable for reading on a PC or tablet. It can be printed if required. It will also available as an eBook for the Kindle, Nook and Kobo readers as well as the Apple Books app in the next week or so. Link to Publication