Club 9mtr mast – happy customer.
by Scott VK3FSPN
Recently, the Club sold Scott one of our 9m masts. Here is Scott’s thoughtful note:
Thanks for the comments regarding the install. I have attached two more photos giving a bit of an overview of the site including the two support masts for the homemade dipole (see homemade open line feeder coming down from the main mast.)
And a big thanks again for meeting me on the Saturday 2 weeks ago to collect the mast. I appreciate you making the time to help me out.
A little about me.
I had been in two minds for a while now to get my amateur licence but didn’t know how or who to speak to?I Searched the net and made contact with Craig VK3KG of the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group who pointed me in the right direction. I passed my test and got my official call sign and licence in late November 2018.
As a child, electronics was a hobby of mine from the age of a bout eight. I built a crystal set and used to listen to am and then short wave broadcasts with an older valve radio from my room which progressed to climbing the roof and then trees to place wires for antennas to increase my listening range (often much to my parents bewilderment.)
As a teenager I was still experimenting with electronics and became interested in Home audio and PA. Often being the guy who mixed the sound and played piano at the school concerts. Not at the same time!
I started an electronics trade apprenticeship at 15yrs old in 1992 then progressed into an Electrical trade 3 years later. Once I completed that trade I studied electrical engineering and then found myself DJing in Nightclubs in the late 90’s.
Life took me away from my former hobby of both “Making things” and electronics so getting my amateur licence was a great way to step back into it. I have enjoyed the last few months and I’m sure will enjoy many years to come as I build up equipment and experience.
In addition to setting up the shack, I have enjoyed making wire antennas and doing portable low power work. The portable work gives me an excuse to go bush, and going bush gives me an excuse to play radio!
I hope you like the photos and have a great day
73 Scott
We’re glad you have found the mast so useful. Thanks for the feedback Scott, regards Ed.